Category Archives: All Weddings

Doreen & Gilbert’s Playa Del Carmen, Mexico Wedding

Hi everyone.  This is my first post on this blog.  I am the newest member of Best of Wedding Photography.  I am excited and very honored to be a part of this group.

This wedding was shot in August in Playa Del Carmen.  We did the photography over 2 days.  On the second day we rented a car and drove around looking for places to shoot.  That’s when I stumbled upon a beautiful mansion that was being built.  Using my broken Spanish, I was able to get permission to shoot inside.  It was a great shoot and one of the images scored at WPPI.

Photography by JT Images Calgary Destination Wedding Photography

A Winter Wonderland Wedding in the Austrian Alps

Caroline and Russell (otherwise known as Caz & Russ) are keen snowboarders and head to the Alps on a yearly basis, their favourite resort being Mayrhofen in Austria.  Once Russell proposed to Caroline over a year ago, they decided to have a very non-traditional wedding in the sense, and create a fun day for their guests in a winter setting in Mayrhofen.  About 40 guests came in from the UK and they had a fabulous week on the slopes and in the mountain resort, with the main focus being on Caz and Russ’s special day.