Category Archives: All Weddings

Austinmer, South East Coast, New South Wales, Australia by CloudFace Photography

I hope that whether you were at Geneveive and Owen’s Wedding or not, that you can feel through these images, everything that a great wedding is all about:

Love. Yep Genevieve and Owen have got that one going on that’s for sure. BIG LOVE. Big enough for half the people of the east coast of Australia and every living animal and person across the pacific, to feel at least a little something on that special day.

Honesty. That’s when there’s no pretence or pre-described notion of what to do, or how to be, when and how. It’s just being and doing as it feels right, and the authenticity of the moment resounds all the more powerfully for it. Again, Genevieve and Owen are as honest, and as real, as two people can be, and to bare witness to this on their wedding day was a gift for us all.

Joy. Joyous faces everywhere!

Photographically, I hope this series of images goes to show, that lasting images come from capturing real moments. Further to this, a wedding which flows without regard for the photographic process facilitates the best photography of all.

Here’s to Wedding Photojournalism so we can continue to be reminded that weddings are about celebrating love and togetherness (not ‘photo shoots’).

Here’s to Genevieve and Owen for showing us exactly what we need more of in this world.

And here’s to love, kindness, and authenticity.

Dean aka CloudFace

Romance in Ravello

Beautiful New York Couple, Cecilia & Dan came all the way to the one and only Ravello, Amalfi Coast, Italy, to celebrate their romantic day. Early May light, an amazing location & fabulous people, made this wedding a dream.